Adult Groups

Our desire is for everyone who attends Sugar Hill Church to find lasting community here. Small groups are intentionally designed to give everyone a place to belong and be cared for, but also a place to be encouraged and strengthened in their journey with Christ. If you’re looking to get plugged in to something specific to your age or stage of life, click below to find the perfect fit for you!
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Summer Groups

It’s not hard to get connected, but it does take some intentionality.
Our Summer Groups run through June and July, and it's a great opportunity to give Groups a try. We have groups for every stage of life, so go ahead, join one!

Welcome Home.

English Services: 9:15am & 11am
Español Service: 11am
5091 Nelson Brogdon Blvd
Sugar Hill, GA 30518
(770) 945-5092

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