Author: Karen Brown

VBS 2022 Español

Debido al espacio limitado, tenemos muchos niñ@s en nuestra lista de espera. Si tus planes han cambiado y NO podrás unirte a nosotros para VBS, envía un correo electrónico a Amanda a Hola, Estamos MUY emocionados por pasar la semana de VBS con tus hijos. Aquí están todos los detalles que necesitas saber para prepararte para […]

God's Very Good Idea: Tales That Tell the Truth

God’s very good idea is to have lots of different people enjoying loving him and loving each other. This stunningly illustrated journey from the garden of Eden to God’s heavenly throne room shows how despite our sinfulness, everyone can be a part of God's very good idea through the saving work of Christ. This book […]

Why God?: Big Answers About God and Why We Believe in Him

Thomas loves to think about silly questions. (Are bats really mice with wings?) But other questions are humdingers . . . like when Thomas wonders, Why God? Why do we believe in Him? That’s when he and his sister, Hope, must go in search of a humdinger of an answer. Come along as they discover the clues God has […]

The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross Storybook: The true story of why Jesus died and rose again

This beautiful hardback Bible storybook for 3-6 year olds takes children on a journey from the Garden of Eden to God’s perfect new creation. It is a gospel presentation that focuses on the significance of the temple curtain. God said “because of your sin you can’t come in”, but the moment the curtain tore in […] A Substance Abuse Guide for Parents

As a parent, you are one of the biggest influences on your child’s decision to try alcohol or other drugs. There are several effective ways to discourage your kid from trying addictive substances, and you can be the biggest source of support if your child needs help recovering from addiction. Click Here to Read

Legacy Coalition

Description from the Website Legacy Coalition is led by Christian grandparents who understand the joys and struggles that come with intentional Christian grandparenting. Our staff of veteran ministry leaders is deeply devoted to helping you pass on your faith so multiple generations of your family follow Christ. Click Here for Legacy Coalition
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Español Service: 11am
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(770) 945-5092

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