Beyond - Missions

God's love for us is so extravagant and deeply personal. Our hope is to demonstrate to everyone we come into contact with how much God loves them, and help them find true purpose in pouring God's love out to everyone in their circles, too.

We named our missions ministry "Beyond" because of the very definition of the word: MORE – FURTHER – LONGER – CLOSER – HAPPIER – BETTER.
Do you need help, or know someone who does?
Reach out to us at (770) 945-5092 or

Beyond - Misiones

El amor de Dios por nosotros es tan grande y personal. Nuestro deseo es demostrar a todas las personas cuánto los ama Dios y ayudarlos a encontrar el verdadero propósito al derramar el amor de Dios sobre ellos y todo aquel que los rodea.

Llamamos a nuestro ministerio de Misiones BEYOND (MÁS ALLÁ) debido a la definición misma de la palabra:
¿Necesitas ayuda o conoces a alguien que la necesita?
Comunícate con nosotros al (770) 945-5092 o
Aquí. Allá. En Todas Partes.

como servimos


Eventos por venir

Servir a las personas no es una tarea fácil. No es fácil estar en los zapatos del otro . Requiere que nos detengamos y prestemos realmente atención a la voz, la persona, y la necesidad que tenemos delante. Requiere que hagamos lo que realmente es necesario en lugar de lo que es fácil. Nos esforzamos por construir relaciones genuinas y duraderas basadas en ver y entender verdaderamente a las personas con las que nos asociamos y hacer todo lo posible para satisfacer sus necesidades, grandes y pequeñas.

Nuestra misión y pasión por ayudar al necesitado esta basada en el llamado que hizo Jesus a todos los creyentes en Hechos 1:8. La oportunidad de ser testigos y ejemplo de su amor en acción en “Jerusalén, por toda Judea, en Samaria y hasta los lugares más lejanos de la tierra.”
Aquí, Allá y En Todas Partes.


"Aquí" es nuestro "Jerusalén." Lo representa el lugar donde nos ubicamos geográficamente y la comunidad que nos rodea, nuestras escuelas, areas residenciales y comerciales.
Obten más información sobre las misiones locales


"Allá" está nuestro "Judea y Samaria." Lo representa nuestro estado y nuestro país. Necesidades que no están a nuestro alcance físico inmediato pero somos intencionales en movilizarnos para llegar allá.
Obten más información sobre las misiones nacionales

En Todas Partes

"En Todas Partes" son nuestros "lugares más lejanos de la tierra." Lo representa otros países. Vencer las fronteras internacionales del idioma y nuestra area de confort para salir a ser luz y ayuda a los más ignorados y desplazados del planeta.
Obten más información sobre las misiones globales


Use the toggles below to filter the types of events you want to see.
October 10, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

October 17, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

October 24, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

October 31, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

Here. There. Everywhere.

How We serve

Events Calendar

What's Coming Up

Serving people is not easy. Carrying each other's burdens is not convenient. It requires that we stop and really pay attention to the voice, the person, the need in front of us. It requires us to do what is actually needed instead of what is easy. We strive to build long-lasting, genuine relationships based on truly seeing the people we partner with and going above and beyond to meet their needs, big and small.

Our mission and passion to help those in need is based on the call that Jesus made to all believers in Acts 1:8. The opportunity to witness and exemplify His love in action “in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Here, There, and Everywhere.


"Here" is our "Jerusalem." It represents the place where we are located geographically and the community that surrounds us; our schools, residential and commercial areas.
Learn More About Local Missions


"There" is our "Judea and Samaria." It represents our state and our country. Needs that are not within our immediate physical reach, but we are intentional about mobilizing to get there.
Learn More About National Missions


"Everywhere" is our "Ends of the Earth." It represents other countries. Overcoming the borders of the language and our comfort zone to come out to be light and help the most ignored and displaced on the planet.
Learn More About Global Missions

Beyond Events

Use the toggles below to filter the types of events you want to see.
October 10, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

October 17, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

October 24, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

October 31, 2024
  • 9:00am

    Backpack Project Packing

    Our mission is that no student goes hungry. We help low-income students have food during the weekend. We do this by providing a bag of healthy food at their schools to take home for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We pack the backpacks every Thursday morning - reach out to if you're interested in volunteering!

Welcome Home.

English Services: 9:15am & 11am
Español Service: 11am
5091 Nelson Brogdon Blvd
Sugar Hill, GA 30518
(770) 945-5092

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Bienvenido a casa.

Servicio en Español: 11am
English Services: 9:15am & 11am

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