Description from the Website

We believe that the Bible is true, trustworthy, and timeless. Because of this, we seek to create resources to help women know and love God's Word. We believe that God's Word is about God. It shows us who He is. Who He is changes everything and it changes us.

I am Kristin, a wife to one amazing man, and Mama to three precious girls, and one adorable little boy. Most of all I am in love with my Savior who has loved and pursued me. My passion is to equip and encourage women to know and love God's Word. It is my desire to create products that help women do just that. I believe that studying Scripture is life changing and my hearts desire is to help women see that who God is, and the truth of His Word changes everything. 

The goal of the shop is to provide tools to help you immerse your life in Scripture. Whether this is through studying God's Word, or hanging Scripture in your home, our goal is that our products will help you to draw closer to God. 

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(770) 945-5092

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