Category: Young Adults

Day 28 - The Anchor for Your Family

We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, safe and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. – Hebrews 6:19 (HSCB) This short verse has had a powerful impact on me. I recall using this verse in every family member’s memorial serve that I’ve preached. And that has been a lot […]

Day 27 - Influences

I read a headline a while back that said “18 year old girl can face manslaughter charge for allegedly encouraging boyfriend’s suicide, judge rules.” Newsflash: If someone is encouraging you to hurt yourself, IT IS NOT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP!!! While I know it is an extreme example, this story illustrates a truth that so many […]

Day 26 - How the Faithful Fight

It's guaranteed in this life you will face the attack of critics and haters. You will have opportunity to respond emotionally. You will have the opportunity to go off. You’ll have the opportunity to blow up. BUT! before you hit send, before you go off… I want to ask you to consider how the faithful […]

Day 25 - Boundaries

The first time anyone ever trusted me to babysit was my sister asking me to watch her first born son, Trey. I was a senior in high school, and spending time with my three-year-old nephew who was like a younger brother to me sounded like fun. I mean, how hard could babysitting really be? (If […]

Day 24 - Show and Tell

"[Love] does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;" – 1 Corinthians 13:5 To truly understand the power of serving  others, we must understand the root and motivation behind it. In Mark 10:43, Jesus is crystal clear about leadership and greatness. He said, whoever wants to become great […]

Day 23 - The BIGGEST Deal

Have you ever wondered … what’s the big deal with Jesus? Where I grew up, I remember singing songs like, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, greatest name I know.” I’m sure I’ve heard hundreds of lessons and sermons about Jesus … that Jesus is the answer … that he is our hope … that he loves us. […]

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