Category: Young Adults

Day 16 - Trusting God with the Details

Here’s today’s idea: Instead of trying to fit God into your plans, discover His plans and fit your life into them. One of the biggest temptations we fall into is trusting God with the big stuff in our lives while trying the handle the details ourselves. We tend to live from big event to big […]

Day 15 - Pin the Tail on the Relationship

Have you ever been blindfolded? Maybe you were blindfolded while playing a game at youth group, or a friend’s birthday party as a kid. Being blindfolded is hard because you can hear everyone, but you can’t see what’s going on. This can lead you to trip over a chair or run into a friend simply […]

Day 14 - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

Jesus says that an essential part of loving God is with our minds. What that means is when you begin to really think about honoring God with your mind, education take on a whole new significance. It becomes valuable. It becomes important. If for no other reason, because Jesus said so. So how do you […]

Day 13 - Don't Be a Jerk

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32 How many times are we angered and annoyed when other people are jerks to us? Right? Anybody can go to war behind a keyboard, or criticize other people. That’s the easiest way to respond in a chaotic […]

Day 12 - Identity Crisis

So many college students, their first 30 days on campus, experience a significant crisis… an identity crisis. With so many things changing, so many new influences, so many new people to compare yourself to and impress, it’s sometimes easy to fall into the trap of questioning your value and purpose. Let’s remind ourselves of some […]

Day 11 - Wake Up

I have a confession. I used to fall asleep in class…A LOT. In High School, I cared more about work than I did sleep or school. I worked a lot of late nights, and as a result, I would fight nodding off in class almost every single day. It showed up in my grades. I […]
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